Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I is for Ice, J is for Jack O Lantern

I finally found my camera, buried in the bottom of my purse. So I took it out to put it somewhere safe, which means I didn't have it with me for the following photo ops, so you'll have to make do with blurry cell phone pics.

The most sincere pumpkin patch. Or at least the most sincere one within 10 miles that is open on Sundays. (One drawback to the nearby Amish & Christian Homesteaders is that their farmstands aren't open on Sundays.)

Nathan's first skating lesson. He fell down. A lot. But he had fun, let's hope the fun continues for every Mon & Fri night for the next few months. I felt bad not being out there with him, but I'm not sure I could survive even five minutes on skates. Hoping that Dan will be able to take him on Mondays and he can get out on the ice instead, while Claire and I have some girl time.

Work's good. Still hoping that it can somehow morph into a permanent job. More photos of Halloween costumes to come.


painterjoy said...

Wow, they look so grown up! And so
handsome and beautiful! Sweet pics!

I look forward to seeing pics of snow and pumpkins and Northeasterly stuff! I really miss it.

AllBeehive said...

We've missed you posting! I know you are watching the games. And yelling. And cheering. It reminds me of that time that your dad drove us to Boston to go to a game, and you and I decided to go shopping for the day in stead.