Thursday, February 23, 2006

You know you're an accountant when.....

Is there anyone else in this world who anxiously awaits the arrival of their Tax prep software? I seriously couldn't wait to load Taxcut yesterday, and then stayed up until 11:30 tweaking it and doublechecking the numbers.
But I'm already worried about getting audited. We just barely made the Healthcare cost deduction, which not only saved us money on the taxes, but also saved us from having to pay the 10% penalty for cashing in some 401k money when we were broke last summer. So that's about an $800 refund just there, which we wouldn't get if our healthcare costs were $20 less. Seems like that's the sort of thing that the IRS would red flag.
Geez, I'm really an accountant aren't I? I've been in denial about that for years.

1 comment:

AllBeehive said...

I do love the Turbo Tax online! I can't believe I ever did it any other way??