Monday, March 12, 2007

La la la everything's going great la la di-da

Okay, where were we? T-bone's steakhouse was trying to steal our restaurant and we had no money to counter them with. And meanwhile, complete silence from SLU even though we knew they were having a trustee's meeting and we expected to hear from them within a few days of that.

Developments since then......
1. Various family members have confidence in us to the tune of $50,000. Yeehaw!!!

2. SLU called and wants to meet with us Thursday. No more details on why or what may happen at that date.

3. A local man, who made a bundle working private security in Iraq, has returned home. His family owned a popular restaurant that had been closed for years, and was in fact just torn down. He's friends with the County Chamber of Commerce Pres, she's friends with Ryan. We're having lunch with him tomorrow to see if he wants to be involved somehow.

4. As a bonus, the bank manager did not laugh me out of his office when I approached him with our business plan and total lack of collateral. I'm sure that the $50,000 (plus?) will help grease the wheels there if I go back later this week.

Dan is smiling. I would be smiling, if I didn't have a persistent cough, runny nose, headache and ear infection. C'est la vie.

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