Wednesday, May 28, 2008

nana na na, nana na na, hey hey hey, goodbye

More upheaval at home, this time on the job front. Dan couldn't stand working for his boss for one more minute. I won't get into all the details, because that's generally a bad idea on public blogs, but it's really best for his mental and physical health not to keep working for this guy. When the Lodge burned down, we joked about how coming here and working for this guy was an option, ha ha ha. And here it is two years later, and Dan was going crazy from the lack of respect, lack of benefits and general bad management. Even after getting an out of the blue raise, he just couldn't take it anymore.

Meanwhile, another guy that he did respect is opening a restaurant a few towns over. The former owners ran it as a family restaurant, which would be a big step down for Dan food-wise. They're going to upgrade the menu a little, although I'm not sure how far they'll be able to take it in a town with a pretty low median income. There are still a lot of people around here who distrust food that seems too fancy. So instead, Dan will probably have a menu that looks like a steak joint at first glance, but has hidden depths with it's sauces and sides.

I just wish it wasn't so far away, and that gas wasn't so expensive. But if the place takes off, Dan will be getting a cut of the Revenue, so that should take the sting out of the commute. If it doesn't take off.......


painterjoy said...

Good for you, Dan! I cannot abide bad bosses. They should not be allowed to continue their reign. They should be told exactly what is wrong with their behavior, and that nobody should have to tolerate them.
I have faith that something better is in the works!

AllBeehive said...

I read that on Dan's blog last week and wondered when you were going to mention it and give the details! Change is exciting.