Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

Trying to decide what to do today. Yesterday was kind of a lost day. My right shoulder decided it was its turn to give me grief, it was about 1 p.m. before it was pain-free enough that I could easily pick up the kids and feed Claire. Nathan watched two Star Wars movies, and I watched Sin City while he napped. Not very productive. But it was snowing again yesterday, so it seemed like a lazy day was called for.

Highs today are only 38. We could go for a short walk, or to the playground, or we could just go grocery shopping and watch Return of the Jedi. Although I'm really not liking the idea of getting groceries while my shoulder is still sore. I hope my new meds start working soon, or that I can switch to better ones at my next doctor's appnt. It sucks to have to plan Nathan's activities around how well I feel.

1 comment:

painterjoy said...

Oh, enjoy the lazy days!! They are necessary and vital to sanity!
Thank you for your concern @ my bad day! I'm alright!