Monday, January 22, 2007

Day two

I wore the butterfly butt jeans today. Yay!

Co-workers are only meh so far. They are accountants after all, and also stressed with year-end paperwork and being understaffed. My boss basically sat me down with a ton of filing and copying my first two days. Not too exciting, but better than having to deal with the old stresses of getting payroll out. My job tasks are still in limbo, but it will probably focus on various expense reports and mileage reports from the field crews.

The best part is that it's 15 minutes from door to door. No more hour long treks turned into three hour long nightmares if there's a bomb threat, car accident, derailment, hazmat spill, power outage, snowstorm, etc. My one complaint so far is my boss's social skills. Shouldn't a boss take at least a minute or two to introduce a new employee to the co-workers and do a quick tour of the bathrooms and break area? I'm not holding my breath for more complicated explanations of where to save things on the network drive. (This may just be a symptom of the above year-end/understaffed problems) If I'd been hired for the job without office experience, I'd be feeling lost and neglected already. Luckily, I'm a "self-starter" and able to "prioritize and multi-task". At least that's what my resume says.

The kids are supposed to be in daycare two days a week and with Dan the third, but they were sick today. We're thrilled that one hour at daycare last Wednesday was enough to give them both nasty, rattling throat colds. Janet watched them for half the day today and last Thursday while we were at work. She's talked about doing it on a more full-time basis, but we want the kids out of the house and socializing more. And I think tying her into even one day of daycare is too hard with George's various health problems. We're just happy to have an option when someone is sick. Our last babysitter was pretty easygoing about things, but Nathan's first daycare would kick him out frequently over diseases that he'd most likely picked up there. It was a ton of fun the morning I brought him into work for a few hours and had to carry him around in the sling while I made copies.

Off to the kid's doctor tomorrow, what a treat for Nathan's birthday! Then to my doctor on Wednesday.

1 comment:

painterjoy said...

Goodness. I am tired just reading about your week. Iam sorry that your boss is socially inept, but I am pretty sure that it's a job requirement for bosses. I hope this job proves worthwile for you!

I hope Nathan and Claire get better soon.