It should be clear by now that I don't live near a Gymboree. However, the local SUNY college has a lot of community classes, including kids gymnastics. I had my doubts about signing up Nathan for one. One issue is that Sunny (son of hippie, British Mum) absolutely hated it last year. He and Nathan are a lot alike, especially in their love of climbing and jumping, so that worried me. Also, it costs $64, and the playground is free. But the biggest concern was that it was at 8:00 am, altough I tried to put a positive spin on that, since it was early enough that Claire could stay home with Dan.
I do not get up at 8:00. I certainly don't get up at 7:00, Dan does. And lately the kids have been sleeping late, so there have been mornings we've all still been snoozing at 8:30. It should not surprise anyone when I admit that we slept through the first class. I didn't even remember there was a first class until about 10:00 am that day. And last week Dad was coming Saturday morning, plus I wanted to go to the Harvest festival, so we skipped the second class too.
But I was determined to get my money's worth and make it there today. Set the alarm last night, and managed to wake up at 7:00, which is a bit of a miracle since I had the AM/PM wrong on my clock. Rousted Nathan out of bed and ignored his "But I'm too tired for Gym class" whining. Got in the car with my campus map, concerned that I was supposed to go to Merrit Gym, when I knew for a fact that the main gym is called Maxcy. More concern when I pulled into what I thought was the nearest parking lot, and not only were there no minivans, there were no cars at all. Uh-oh. Did they move the class, am I in the completely wrong place, did I waste $64. Went inside and followed the "Kids and Movement" signs to the Merritt Gym, which was completely dark and definately lacking cushions for little kids.
Frak.(In honor of the return of
BSG last night) Went back to the car with vague plans to circle the campus looking for people with strollers. Luckily, another minivan pulled up, someone who'd realized too late that there wouldn't be classes because it's Columbus day weekend.
What did I learn from this? Nothin. But at least we were up early enough that Dunkin Donuts hadn't run out of Boston Creme yet.