Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Fairy Princess and (Jedi) Knight

Lot's of Halloween pictures. Thursday night was "Fright Night". Nathan was dressed as a knight that day, and the businesses in town had treats and games. Nathan mostly just liked seeing all the other kids in their costumes, but was a little scared of some of the decorations the businesses had put up.

Today was a short parade through town.

Nathan said he couldn't be a knight again, so we got out the Jedi costume from last year. I was looking out the window all morning wondering if the rain would let up long enough. Finally decided to chance it, and the rain stopped just long enough for the parade.

Then came the firetruck ride.

What is crazier, that the town allows this, or that I did. I kept Claire with me while Nathan rode with a friend and his Dad. But there were other mothers who went up there with babies. Unfortunately, they were about halfway through that ride when it did start to rain again, and Nathan didn't have his coat, so he got a bit wet.

Then we braved a walk through more rain and massive puddles to get to the Elk's club. They had some classic games for the kids. Bobbing for apples, eating donuts off a hanging string, pin the nose on the pumpkin. One cute thing I've never seen was the skeleton hands. They took plastic gloves, put candy corn in for the fingernails, then filled it with popcorn.

Now, I'm exhausted. When we first got back, I was actually shaking a bit from the cold, the wet, and the walking. Snuggling under a blanket with Nathan, eating popcorn and watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" has revived me a bit. And we get to do it all over again on Tuesday night when Hannawa Fall's VFD does firetruck rides too.


painterjoy said...

How amazingly adorable! Those costumes are great! I love how the weather is so Halloween-y too. It was almost 90 degrees here two days ago. It looks like they were having such a good time!

AllBeehive said...

Fairy princesses are beautiful!

and Jedi knights are handsome too.