Monday, July 24, 2006

Just put me in a straight jacket now, insanity is just around the corner

My brain is going to explode. Dan's sent a resume to an Inn in Vermont. I should be thrilled. This is where I wanted to go last August, this is the place we pinned our hopes on in December. BUT I DON'T WANT TO MOVE AGAIN. Aaaarrrrrghggh.

Which is really a silly thing to be stuck up on, because we were always going to be moving again. If he gets this job, we wouldn't go back to Placid next spring, we'd stay in Vermont for the forseable future. So if anything, this is great, because we'd get settled back down faster and be out of this holding pattern we're in now. Plus, it's ridiculously close to my Dad's. Less than an hour, and even quicker in the summer when we can go over Bethel mountain instead of around it. And I'd get to see Red Sox games again.

Cons- I have to be careful not to lose Health insurance, so I don't like moving around as much as we used to. Plus, I'd have to change doctors.
- I'd actually miss my Mother-in-law. I was afraid that close quarters would lead to a lot of backseat mothering, but it's been great so far. And my Dad is not going to be up for babysitting as much as she is.
-Packing, again. Aaaarrrrrgggghhghghghghghghghghg.

But the pros outnumber that, especially the pro of not having Dan stab his boss or co-workers because he's fed up with his underpaid, overworked and underappreciated job.

I think I'll spend the day cleaning out the closets and throwing out toys. Wouldn't hurt to be prepared.


AllBeehive said...

Where is Vermont!?! You know David has wanted to move to Vermont since I met him and not just in a "oh how do you feel about vermont?" sort of way...Like he's applied for jobs there, keeps a webcam of Burlington on his desktop, is jealous of the snow, etc.

saffry said...

I really hope you meant to say where *in* Vermont.

It's the Pitcher Inn in Warren, which is about 1/2 hr SW of Montpelier and about an hour south of Burlington. Burlington is a strange town. Lots of restaurants and shops, but also hippie, herione addicted people everywhere. I always like Montpelier better. It's a state capitol but seems to have less than a dozen traffic lights.

So, would you be up for moving? I can't imagine you'd want to leave behind the gals who gave you a weiner cake. But if you and DG are really New Englanders at heart, you'd be pretty happy there.

AllBeehive said...

OMG, oops. That is so funny. Yes, I meant "in". I'll have to tell DG your views of Burlington.