Thursday, July 27, 2006

My disease is making me sick

My health insurance situation is making me nauseaus. I just got a letter today that we'll be dropped from our state sponsored insurance as of Sept 1 because Dan's income is too high. New York's other program is $400.00 a month, and seems to only cover $3000 of prescriptions each year. I think the Enbrel I just started is $1000 a month.

So, that probably makes the decision to go to Vermont a little easier, but I still need to find something to bridge the gap between Sept 1 and whenever Dan's new job would provide insurance. Or if we stay in New York, I need to get a job ASAP that has insurance so that we aren't on the NY insurance long enough to hit the prescription cap.

Any gap of more than 63 days in coverage bumps the RA into a pre-existing condition, and new insurance wouldn't cover it for a year. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to move to Canada.


painterjoy said...

That makes me so f***ing mad.

AllBeehive said...

i would suggest that you call the makers of enbrel as i believe they have some assistance programs. Also speak with your doctor about programs - the makers of enbrel want their people to take it so they try to work on your behalf

christy's mom