Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Claire's Hair

Are men incapable of putting hair in elastic bands? That's the debate around the house these days. Claire's hair is at the point where she can't see when it's down, and Dan just can't put it up in a ponytail. He did make a valient try sometime last week, but gave up after ten minutes. Of course, Claire is not very cooperative about sitting still for this manuever either. Dan tries little hair clips to get the hair out of the way, but she's adept at pulling those out.

So that leaves me as the only one who can make her beautiful in the morning, and honestly, I don't always feel like my fingers can manage this. Especially when they're swollen, like today. How can I teach Dan to do this? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

AllBeehive said...

I would say that Amy would be running away screaming if that happened. Boys don't know hair.