Thursday, September 28, 2006

Round one goes to the playground

I've learned two things from the picture. The first is obvious - watch where I'm going. The second is that I really need to invest in make-up and skincare products. Now that I'm looking for work, I'm thinking about my appearance again after a long hiatus. I really didn't fuss much at the Hyatt, since I wasn't in a customer service area. But I'm getting older, and it seems that the medications I'm on are contributing to the red splotches. What to do, what to do.

I really don't know where to start. My skin has always been shiny and weird, the glasses complicate things, and my mom was not a good role model in this area. (blue eyeshadow and too much blush) The only thing I have in my house is some Dove spf face cream. So, I figure I have three choices.

1. Read some magazines or websites, go to the drugstore and hope I make the right choices.
2. Find a Mary Kay or Avon rep to do a full work-up for me.
3. Go to a department store for a makeover.

Will options 2 & 3 actually work well, or will I just come home with $400 worth of stuff I'll never use? Posted by Picasa


painterjoy said...

Hi Amy!
DO NOT go to the department store! They DO just want to sell you $400 worth of their overstocked stuff! Good nutrition, lots of water, spf are the only things to improve skin appearance. As far as makeup goes, I think a Mary Kay is the best option. They are trained(unlike Avon). A good book is Bobbi Brown Beauty, although not totally good for the real world because she was a makeup artist for 15 year old models. But the advice on application of cosmetics is good.I would love to help you out, even though you have so much natural beauty that you do not need makeup. I can tell you may favorite products: Revlon Colorstay Concealer, Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder, Smashbox eyeshadows, Revlon Colorstay eyeliners, Revlon lipsticks. I think that for your coloring, soft rosey pinks, pink-browns, cranberry. And Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-wrinkle cream, original formula, spf 15. This is the only moisturizer I have ever used that doesn't irritate my eyes or skin, ever.
Hope you are well! I loved seeing you and your beautiful children!

AllBeehive said...

Joy wrote exactly what I was going to! 1) Your skin in still beautiful and porcelin 2) owwie, your eye, does it hurt? 3) My favorite book "Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me". It talks all about what products say they will do, and what you will actually get. Also, since 6 companies own all of the cosmetics industry, it tells you what you can get at the drug store that has the same formulation as what you get at the department stores (for 1/3 of the price).

As for your face, you need a simple face wash and an SPF 15 daily. All the over the counter stuff is great Clean and Clear, Neutrogena etc. For makeup - my favorites are: Prescriptives Makeup (since they color match to your skin tone $30), MAC cream eyeshadow and regular eyeshadow ($15 - the cream doesn't crease!!) L'Oreal mascara $7 (They are own Lancome and have the same formulas for less than 1/2 the price! I splurge on Lancome and Bobby Brown lip gloss. I have to say NO to Mary Kay or Avon. Not that some of their products are not good, but the women that sell that stuff are not usually the hippest so you end up getting the blue eyeshadow. Get your stuff on or if you have a MAC store near you, you can go in and they will do you right up!

saffry said...

"or if you have a MAC store near you" This made me laugh. Ha. I did look it up on their website just to see, and the nearest store is 112KM, and I use km because it's in Ottawa.

Okay, you've given me confidence on the rest of the stuff. The foundation is going to be the hardest, lots of trial and error to decide on the type of coverage and skin tone. For some reason my nose always gives me trouble, even light liquid seems to get caked up there.

And deciding what to do behind the glasses. I've see conflicting advice there, some of it depending on whether you're farsighted or nearsighted. I should at least start reigning in the eyebrows a bit. Ouch.

AllBeehive said...

Ok, one more thing...if you decide to go with any department store foundation, most will sit you down and swab foundation on your face and look at it in the light to make sure it is the correct color. Prescriptives will ever let you take 2 small samples home to choose from. In addition to color matching, they also have 4 different types ranging from sheer to "cover up all blotchiness thick". Good luck!

AND I recommend the needle nose tweezers :)