Thursday, September 07, 2006

What a thrilling life I lead

The big excitement today was that I bought a new remote control. What makes this news thrilling is that we are now back down to one remote to control four components. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

I had to manually program every button to get it to control the Tivo, but it was worth it. Now, as long as it doesn't go to the black hole where it's predecessor currently resides, we'll be fine. I really don't have a clue where the last remote disappeared to, we think Claire threw it away.

In other news, I need Restaurant names. I got very excited about the name Allium (Latin for Onion), but a restaurant in Ottawa is already using it. Any other city, and I wouldn't care. But too many of our target customers go to Ottawa for day trips and cultural events. Oh well. In that same vein I was thinking of Caridea, which is part of the classification name for shrimp. This would work if we keep with the Southern theme, since shrimp is on several apps and entrees. Any other ideas?

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