Friday, September 22, 2006

I can't belive there is no Duct tape in this house.


Nathan's settled on being a Knight for Halloween, so we were working on the costume today. He's had this tunic and cape, plus a sword and shield for awhile, but the look isn't complete without some armor and a helmet.

My first attempt at a helmet based on a milk jug was disastrous. The person who posted it on must have a child with a smaller head. So, tomorrow we're getting supplies to try a hat from this site. I should probably plan on making two, in case the first doesn't survive until Halloween. Anyone who thinks we could make the helmet and then immediately put it safely away does not know my son. And I can't wait until the last minute, because if it comes out like crap, I need time to order one online.

For armor, I'm planning on being creative with duct tape, but amazingly, we don't have any in the house right now. I'm going to take a belt and hang strips of doubled-over duct tape from it to make an armor skirt. He also has a horse with a burlap head that is ripping. If I use the duct tape to fix that up, we can pretend his horse has armor too. Posted by Picasa

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