Monday, September 04, 2006

Nathan's got religion

I almost forgot about this.....

Nathan likes churches, because they look like castles, and he loves castles. But as far as I know he's only been in two churches, once for a concert with Grandma, and once with me to look at the stained glass.

As we're driving through town today, he's asking me about the buildings that are made of brick, and wanting to know what brick is made of. I make something up, but it rings true and is just like what Elmo learned on Seseme Street, so I must have been close. Then he sees the church made out of brick. (Actually, sandstone, but close enough). And of course he wants me to tell him what churches are for. Errrr.

Me:"Churches are where people get together to help each other and help others".
Him:"And someone lives there."
"And he's invisible."
"But he's not real."

Eeeeek, is he talking about Jesus! Where'd he pick this up from! Then, the finale.....
"Cause he's a droid. And he's small. And his name is R2-D2."

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