Sunday, September 17, 2006

Seven Things I learned at Joy's Reception

1. Rosemary is not the youngest person I've ever known to have an ulcer, she's really had appendictis for 14 years.
2. Next time I take a long drive, someone has to remind me I have cruise control.
3. If you have a common name (cough MARK cough), then when you post in a blog, be more specific about who you are if you want your friends to recognize you.
4. Seven hour drives are much better if you fuel up with Dunkin Donuts first.
5. We've been on Mrs. Krystock's bad side for twenty years because she thinks we wanted to hire a stripper for Ellen's birthday. This memory is seared in Ellen's mind, but no one else remembers it at all. (Christy? Joy?, do you remember this?)
6. Michael "Kramer" Richards buys cheese at Whole Foods
7. Just because two people are standing close together and smiling, they are not necessarily posing for pictures. They may just be in love..

8.Christy and Joy are not the only ones reading my blog. So, I want everyone else, spouses too if they want, to add a comment of a few things they learned at Christy or Joy's weddings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. (for Ellen) Joy's mom is STILL the coolest of all our moms.
2. Wedding cake can actually be QUITE good.
3. Adjustment to my doctor's advice on dealing with my food allergies -- cheating once a week generally gives me no symptoms the next day ONLY if I eat one day's worth of sweets, not seven. (oops)
4. I made some REALLY quality friends in high school (ok, ok, i sort of knew this, but I came to appreciate it more this weekend).
5. My friends really WEREN'T interested in expanding my sexual horizons on my 16th birthday.
6. Amy still has that wonderful sense of humor (and proclivity for crying at emotional moments) that I've always loved about her.