Sunday, September 03, 2006

RA Update

Went to the Doc last Wednesday. I didn't think I was doing better, but then he read back the notes of my last visit when EVERY single joint hurt, and I realized that I am doing better. So, I guess the Enbrel is working. Too bad I won't be able to afford it for much longer. I'm actually not even sure I have Health Insurance right now. We were getting kicked off the free insurance as of the 31st, and I sent in the paperwork to switch to the other HMO. But I screwed up and sent the wrong proof of residence, so I don't know if we got everything processed in time. I haven't gotten a new card yet. Yikes, better not fall down any stairs.

Doc was great, as usual. I started crying while talking about how I wasn't sleeping, so he prescribed an anti-depressent that also will help me sleep. It's working pretty well, I've definately been waking up more refreshed. But then, Dan's also letting me sleep until nine most days, so that's nice too. Plus, I'm back on 5 mg of prednisone, because I still have pain in my ankles and elbows and hands sometimes. But I think the swelling in my joints in the mornings has decreased. I've even been knitting again, trying to get incremental increases on the shawl I'm making for myself. It's got about 200 stitches across now, so it takes a while to do each row.

Our plan now is to keep on the Enbrel for six more weeks. If it's working well, then I'll switch to an infusion medication that works in a way similar to Enbrel. For this, I'd go to the hospital for a few hours and get an IV, I suppose it's similar to getting a Chemo treatment. Because it's a hospital procedure, it's billed to the insurance differently. I'll probably have a $100 co-pay, but I won't have to worry about maxing out my $3000 prescription cap on the Enbrel. Insurance companies are stupid, by putting in this cap they're going to be paying thousands more for me to get the infusions. That is, if I have insurance. Hmmmm.

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