Friday, November 03, 2006

A vote for me is a vote for scandal and corruption

I've been considering voting for a Republican candidate. Here's the deal.

A few days ago I got a "push" poll. After asking a few general questions, they asked if I was voting for the Dem Incumbent or GOP challenger for state comptroller. I didn't even know this position was up for election, so I said the Dem. The poller then asked if I would still vote for him even though he'd recently had to return $80,000 in misused public funds. Huh. Didn't know about that, since I'd never heard the guy's name before. This is where the "push" poll gets you.

Being me, I had to get more information about this scandal. Looked up some things and my inner accountant got riled that the comptroller (of all people) would use public employees and cars to have his wife chauffeured around. The New York times had an editorial about the issue, and have halfheartedly endorsed the GOP challenger. But the Republican is very inexperienced. He's only worked for a small city with a staff of twelve. Taking over the finances for a whole state, plus the state pension fund, is a bit overwhelming.

Still, I've been thinking of voting for him. He wouldn't make laws, and wouldn't have a connection to the National party. But I'm really bugged about the "push" poll. On the one hand, I'm glad to have an excuse to read up on the candidates more. I love to vote, but hate when I get there and see unfamiliar names. On the other hand, I don't want this form of negative campaigning to actually work. And I think, for that reason alone, I'll stick with the Democrat. Hope the GOP strategist finds this posting some day.

They also tried to do a negative spin on Hillary, playing up the idea that she may only serve NY for two years. Aw, what happened to the allegations of murder and lesbianism. GOP's gone soft.

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