Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Yay, almost everyone I voted for won!

I thought I lived in a Republican stronghold here. After all, we do have a branch of the Council of Conservative Citizens in the next town. (I'd link to the site, but you really don't want to go there). While Dan was voting yesterday, a man in front of him piped up with "So, you're all voting Republican, right." When he persisted in then telling the poll workers to "Tell everyone to vote Republican", he was reminded that saying that was a wee bit illegal.

Happily, it looks like we're actually a democratic area after all. The County council went from 10-5 Republican to 10-5 Democrat. Spitzer (governor) and Hillary got 67% of the local vote. Our Representative is still Republican but the Adirondack Republican Rep got his wife-hitting, frat-party drinking, Abramoff connected fat-ass kicked out. Pretty much good news all around.

Will it really make a difference in National politics? Hope so. A lot of the Republican leadership from the last few years is gone. Santorum, DeLay and Frist are all gone. Even among the Republicans there has been a sense that the President has walked all over them the last few years. Maybe, just maybe, they'll find some common ground with the Democrats just to get back at the President a bit.


AllBeehive said...

Democrats did well here too! Our new Governor is a Dem. Though we had voting issues where waits were as long at 3 hours! DG and I were annoyed that it took us 1.25 hours to get through, and there were only about 25 people in front of us.

saffry said...

In my polling place the poll workers outnumbered the voters. Although 10:45 am isn't exactly prime-time. We used the old lever machines too, don't think I've seen those since Meriden.