Monday, April 09, 2007

On to the inspection

Hmph, should have posted sooner. Now Christy's stolen my thunder. We got our offer accepted on Saturday, so we'll be in our new house soon too. Although not until the end of May. Apparently, someone else had also put in an offer before us, and we should have been told that but weren't. But we must have hit the sweet spot with what we offered because it was almost immediately accepted. Dan was bummed, thinking that we could have gotten away with offering less. But now that we know someone else was lurking, it's good we didn't. It's still going to be a criminally low mortgage, something I'll have to keep in mind as I shell out money to redo the roof.

And in the "it's a small world" category, I was looking at our local Freecycle website and the current residents are chucking a lot of stuff, so I called and put in dibs on some of the decor that I liked. And that also gave me an opening to talk and get friendly with her, so that if we have questions later, it should be easy to give her a call to see why things in the house work the way they do.

If you have a local Freecycle, check into it. I'm planning to give away a lot of baby things before we move, and I always see things of interest being offered. Clean your house without going through the trouble of a tag sale!

1 comment:

AllBeehive said...

holy crap! congratulations. Such a great house, for such a small amount of money. It just boggles my mind. I just asked Dave if he wanted to move there and be a stay at home dad.