Friday, May 25, 2007

ah, relief

Things are getting sorted out. We're closing on Wednesday and moving on Thursday. Not exactly the ideal schedule I'd worked out a month ago, but at least we'll get it done.

The problem now is that it's beastly hot, and the worst weather for packing. It's in the high eighties, and without any breeze or air conditioning. We've got all the books and movies packed, I'll think we'll tackle the bathrooms and upper shelves of the kitchen today. The kids are off at the grandparent's today playing with the sprinkler.

We've been debating going to Dan's grandmother's for a get together this weekend if we got things packed enough. But I think instead we'll just try to turn off our brains for a few days and try and get out on a date. I think the last movie we saw was Cars, and it's been even longer since the two of us went. Although the reviews for Pirates and Spiderman are so mediocre, I'm not sure what I want to see.

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