Friday, July 27, 2007

A clean, green house

We switched our dish detergent today and it's almost enough to make doing the dishes enjoyable. It's Mrs. Myers Lemon Verbana dish detergent. A really lovely scent that lingers all day, plus it's all natural.

I've also switched to some phosphate free laundry detergent and changed to an organic toilet bowl cleaner. As we run out of other cleaners, I'll switch those too.

The next step to a better home is setting up a compost heap. I had one growing up, but I think it was mostly just garden waste, not household waste. And I'm also looking into a small doggie poop septic system for the yard. It won't work in the winter though, so I'm not sure it's a good idea for this area.

This won't help much if I keep buying pre-packaged, prepared food all the time, with all the waste that goes with it. I've just completely forgotten how to cook in all the years that I had dinner by myself while Dan was working. But I was good today. Stopped off at the nearby organic farm for some tomatoes, cukes and corn. Now that the summer crops are coming in, I'll try to make that a semi-weekly trip and get some fresh veggies on the table a few times a day. I could probably eat corn on the cob every day of the summer without getting tired of it.

1 comment:

davegannon said...

congrats on going greener. I LOVE this stuff as well. I use the liquid handsoap and then all-purpose cleaner. Christy is not a huge fan but it is growning on her. I have also been making my own Lemongrass Sage roomsprays and cleaners as well.